Thank you to everyone who voted in the school election!
Like last year's vote the outcome was very close. The result will allow the school board to take the next steps to authorize the bonding and begin the preliminary work for the upcoming project to address the needs for our students presented in the election information.
Thank you to everyone that voiced opinions last year as it helped reshape thoughts on how to address our students' needs. Thank you to parents, staff, and community members who joined the board on our facility working group. Thank you to staff and community members for conversations with board members and administrators. Thank you to those who came to ask questions and share concerns at public meetings. All your thoughts and opinions mattered and were important to listen to along the way.
The election results bring exciting news for our community as it will help provide needed space enhancing options for preschool, improving learning space for special education, eliminate students crossing the street from elementary for music and gym, eliminate students crossing the street from high school for lunch, add parking, and add additional space for multipurpose learning and activities.
The school board and administration understand the responsibilities that come with the results and will do their best to make decisions and manage the funds involved so they meet the needs identified. Along the way we will provide open lines of communication to keep our community informed of progress. Thank you all for voting! #mccstrong We have great schools in our school district thanks to a caring community that values education. An important part of remaining successful is always looking forward towards improvement.