MCC High School view from the southeast featuring a view of 5th and 6th grade wing, cafeteria, weight room, gym, playground, parking, parent drop off pick up lane.
MCC High School view from northwest featuring kitchen, cafeteria, gym, and parking.
High School Details
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Solutions for MCC High School
Kitchen area for the High School will eliminate need for students to cross street for breakfast and lunch.
Commons/Cafeteria area where students will eat breakfast/lunch. It could also be used for some presentations and serve multiple purposes.
Classrooms for 5th and 6th grade in their own wing separated from the rest of the building.
Multipurpose classroom area which can be utilized for science, art, Title I, small groups, Freeze Kids, and other needs.
New bathrooms (one set by cafeteria/commons, one set by 5th and 6th area, and one in the weight room).
Playground area for 5th and 6th grade recess and can be utilized by community in evenings and summertime.
Remodeled area for guest locker room to prevent away teams using our home locker rooms
Secondary Gym will be utilized for many needs. Examples include: - 5th and 6th grade gym - high school gym space when main gym is used for special events - junior high volleyball and basketball practices, games, and tournaments - for music programs and assemblies - for robotics and other extracurricular activities - for youth basketball practices and tournaments - youth volleyball practices and tournaments - Community Education
Weightroom for weight training classes and athletic teams. Community would also have access at designated times.
Gym Storage
Custodial Storage
Concession area
Secure entrance allowing community access to weight room during designated times
Entry areas
(Not pictured) Aging pavement and sidewalks will be replaced. A dedicated parent drop off/pick up lane will help with traffic flow and be a safety improvement.
Newfolden Elementary from the southeast featuring staff parking lot which will improve visibility around the school and improve traffic flow.
Newfolden Details
Browse the image and read about improvement plans below.
Solutions for Newfolden Elementary:
Grade 2 will move to Newfolden Elementary School. Grades 5-6 will move to high school. This will make Newfolden Elementary a grade 2 - grade 4 building. This will relieve space pressure in the cafeteria. This will also relieve space pressure in the gymnasium for gym classes.
This room will become a library/multipurpose space. Classes will use this as a library. It will be utilized as a resource room for small groups of students. It will also be utilized as a learning space for our after school program.
This room will become the music room. Newfolden Elementary students will come here for music instead of crossing the street.
This area will become a parking lot for staff and guests. This will reduce parking along the highway and adjacent streets increasing visibility around the school building.
Although no remodeling is needed, the cafeteria will benefit as being used as cafeteria for grades 2-4. This will better serve the students versus being expected to serve both buildings.
Although no remodeling is needed, the gym will be utilized for elementary P.E., a place for indoor recess, play space for after school program, and gym reservations for groups like Freeze Hoops, E-Free Church, 4-H, and others.
Viking Elementary from the northeast featuring the office addition and improved front entrance area.
Viking Details
Browse the image and read about improvement plans below.
Solutions for Viking Elementary:
Remodeled space for Social Worker/Speech Teacher
Remodeled space for Library/Multipurpose area.
With 2nd grade moving to Newfolden, a classroom will be utilized for additional preschool space.
Office space will receive a small addition and be remodeled.
Secure Entrance area will be moved here.
Office space for gym teacher.
The former staff lunch room will be repurposed as nurse office
The hallway to cafeteria will be widened to improve student traffic in/out
Although no remodeling needed, additional kitchen storage will free up space for additional seating. Grade 2 moving to Newfolden will also free up some space.
Additional space for kitchen storage, walk-in freezer/cooler, cook office, dry storage.
Staff Bathroom will be added
Additional music room will be added
The former music room will be repurposed as larger staff lunch room.